Saturday, May 7, 2011

graduating today

just my immediate family and grandparents coming to see me.

girl i met at the wedding last weekend not going. just don't know her well enough, but we're still talking a lot.

just getting a bachelor's in english. anyone have any experience with this? i'm thinking of teaching english as a second language in another country.


  1. Asian countries like Korea, China, and Japan have great foreign exchange programs for English speakers that want to teach a class. Some even provide free living conditions. Might wanna look into that.

    And congrats on graduating! Wish you the best of luck on your future career! Cheers mate! ^^

  2. Congratulations!

    I think teaching in a foreign country is a great idea just don't forget about your friend's and family.

  3. I don't have any experience teaching abroad, but I've heard that it's quite an awesome experience. I'm currently learning Japanese, having a blast doing so, and considering the possibility of teaching English over there when I get good enough.

  4. Go to japan and you can make a SHITTON of money, you don't even need to know Japanese. Many are looking for an "untainted" american speaker who can help them fine tune their english skills so they don't have the typical asian accents.

    Good luck Bro

  5. Congrats my friend. Its a silly piece of paper but its the final step into adulthood. Now suffer like the rest of us to find meaning. Just kidding its what you make of it out there.

  6. You can come teach english in Brazil

  7. Congrats on graduating!
    I can agree with other posters that Korea would be the best place to start teaching English. I know a friend who went to do that and currently decided to live in Korea because he liked it there so much.

  8. Good call with not inviting the girl.

  9. Good luck with the job hunt. I'm sure lots of places want to learn English.

  10. Congratulations on your graduation!

  11. Awesome, and congratulations!

  12. Congrats I hope you can pay off your loans haha!

  13. Congrats bro! Good luck getting the bachelor's! Few of my friends are majoring in english as well.
