Thursday, April 14, 2011

writing jokes

i was raised with a poor sense of humor. one of my earliest memories is being in the car and seeing and hearing my dad point to the guy jogging on the side of the road and say "look, a road runner."

i was surprised to see family guy make a joke similar to one i thought of: i want a pet owl so i can name it dr. who.

as dumb as they are, i can't help write them down. last night my dogs were going "barbarbarbarbar" and i turned and said "you guys are alcoholics!"


  1. Some jokes just hit and some miss. Write them all down who knows maybe you can make a routine out of it and be the next Dane Cook but actually be funny.

  2. Dr. Who, lol. Some jokes get stale fast, but then again, not all jokes are universal. I met an Australian girl who had never heard a knock-knock joke. I got to use all the ones my friends hate by now and she loved them!

  3. I thought that the jokes you just posted were pretty good!

  4. Sometimes jokes are funny because they are cheesy and unfunny!

  5. it always depends on the audience, a joke could kill in some groups and not get a smirk in others.

  6. BARBARBAR lol, it's cheesey but it works. Hehehe

  7. Haha sometimes the worst jokes are the best

  8. Cheesy jokes have their place just like any other. Sometimes saying a joke people don't laugh at cause an even better laugh. I like your jokes though made me laugh :).

  9. Family Guy has degraded in quality over the years, the jokes are really cheesy and won't be timeless like the earlier episodes

  10. they say laughter makes us healthy but do not over do it..funny man..

  11. You arent the only one with a "bad" sense of humor dude :P
