Friday, April 15, 2011

on my way home

i stopped at a red light and looked to my right where something was moving. it was a rabbit. and it looked like it wanted to cross the road. so, i waited to see if it would try to cross as i waited, but it couldn't make a decision, and then the light changed and i waited some more because i didn't know if it would make its way in front of the vehicle. well, i waited a while and then went as the light changed. and the rabbit was scared and turned away. while a car moved quickly down that lane where the rabbit nearly went in to. so, perhaps i saved its life. by scaring it.


  1. The rabbit will return the favor and save you when you're being chased by a serial killer by scaring it :)

  2. oh the wonders of life, you sir did a good thing
    Karma your way :)

  3. Should have caught it and ate it.

  4. subtle and powerful at the time!

  5. Why'd you let dinner get away?

  6. Awwh TheJanitor stole my suggestion!

  7. I agree with TheJanitor and others, you passed up a free meal

  8. Good save. Squirrels do crap like this all the time they make it half way across the road then run back to where they came from because they freak out.

  9. Good save man, just be glad it wasn't a turtle or you would have been there forever!
